Concorde Career Colleges

Concorde Career Colleges student

Diagnostic Medical Sonography


As a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (DMS), also known as an Ultrasound Technologist, you can work with providers, specialists, and surgeons in all phases of procedures. Sonographers specialize in creating images, sonograms or ultrasounds, of structures inside the body. Doctors use these images to help them diagnose and treat many patient medical conditions.

Serve The Health Of Your Community Through Work You Love

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography associate degree program teaches students the technical skills needed to be successful in their jobs, like performing diagnostic procedures and obtaining images, identifying abnormal pathology within the body, oral or written summary of exams to doctors for diagnosis.

Performing an ultrasound is a non-invasive way to visualize internal organs often used first to detect for disease. Therefore, it is the perfect career for those interested in going into the healthcare field. Diagnostic medical sonographers have an important role in conducting and interpreting initial imaging tests to help narrow down a patient’s diagnosis and quickly get them the care they need.

Get Started, Train to Become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer

Have you been thinking of a career in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, or are you searching for the right DMS program near you? Concorde can help you realize your career aspirations through an associate degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography as you prepare for this exciting, fast-growing field of diagnostic healthcare.

With trained facilities and educators who have years of practical experience working in healthcare, reach out and learn about our classes and requirements today!

Locations offering this program:

111 N. Havana Street
Aurora, CO 80010

12606 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75243

7259 Salisbury Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32256

Kansas City
930 Carondelet Drive
Kansas City, MO 64114

5100 Poplar Ave., Suite 132
Memphis, TN 38137

10933 Marks Way
Miramar, FL 33025

3444 McCrory Place
Orlando, FL 32803

1425 NE Irving St.
Portland, OR 97232

San Antonio
4803 NW Loop 410, Suite 200
San Antonio, TX 78229

San Diego
4393 Imperial Ave.
San Diego, CA 92113

4202 W. Spruce, Florida
Tampa, FL 33607

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